Thursday, September 20, 2012

Silhouette Cameo Giveaway w/ My Girls!

That's right! We have teamed up with some other bloggers to offer you this uh-mazing prize!
Nope, not sponsered by Silhouette... just a couple dolla bills out of each of our pockets equaled up to this great giveaway {Lucky!}

You don't have to be an avid crafter for this one... because it's awesome no matter what!

If we are being honest.. I have a confession... and that is that I'm kind of terrible at crafts.  Nikki has always held my hand, and made me look like a rockstar, and I'm here to tell you, it's all a lie!
I love the idea of crafting, I love actually crafting....until I finish and it looks like a small child did it...with their eyes closed...  Okay, so it might not be THAT bad..but it's pretty bad.  The point is.. I STILL want this Silhouette Cameo, and who knows what I'd even do with it, SO you definitely want/need it!

So, enter to win this fabulous giveaway BUT take some time to check out all the fabulous gals that agreed to offer this deal with us:

Friday, September 14, 2012

SALT Marketplace! - We'll be there..Will you?

Salt Marketplace is an art and gift show from Seattle Washington. They are debuting in Salt Lake City this November at the Salt Lake Hardware Building just north of the Gateway. The show will feature some of Utah's top vendors, including Kaboo and their newly launched Tablet Bags, A Vintage Poster,Alexis Mattox DesignMindy Mae's Market (That's us!!) and Jeanette Parker Designs
Join us for a fantastic GNO Friday November 2nd from 6-10 pm! For updates and giveaways, please join their: FACEBOOKTWITTERPINTEREST, andMAILING LIST! Also, visit their website


Monday, September 10, 2012

Silent Angel's Fight

We are so very excited to announce that we will be featuring 6 necklaces that we have branded as our Silent Angel's Fight Collection.  Dedicated to a sweet little girl named Oaklynn who is suffering from Rett Syndrome.. Here is her story:
Please head over to VeryJane on Thursday to purchase your necklace!  We will be sharing the profit with this very deserving little angel!

Mindy Maes Market - Success!

Still recouping from our incredible turn out from vendors AND friends on Saturday! I think Courtney and I BOTH needed a day off!
 We'll post more pictures and keep you up-dated. Meanwhile we're looking to merge MMMblog and our Turning This Into That blog. If you know the best way to do that- drop me a line, it will save me some research!

We are so humbled by the support we have experienced. We are so grateful for the time and involvement you all have given to show us that you like what we are doing. We are so excited to keep growing WITH you and FOR you!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

What's Up Wednesday!?!?....

This will be the "theme" of our weekly Link-up on Saturday..

Halloween Decorations!!

Get your old OR new tutorials for things that help us get ready for Halloween
and then link up so that we can see it!
We will pick up to 3 of our favorite submissions and post them throughout the week AND they'll be rewarded through PAYPAL! ;) 
***On your submission please use the email that your PayPal account is attatched to.***

Get EXCITED! So much to see and do--get out those tag and label tutorials and get ready to post them this Saturday!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

DIY Pallet Organization Solution!

Completely in LOVE with this DIY organization idea- using a PALLET (I know where I can get some for FREE!). Saved By Love Creations has a whole BUNCH of ideas to organize on a budget! Really...what more could you FIT on this amazingly thought-out pallet!?!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Feature: Organization Solutions from Kaminski's Creations!

So, this week's theme was kinda selfish. I needed some help. Going back to school, Kids, work, MMM, house, know what I mean...I need some extra order!
This incredible roladex is amazing and helpful! GO see! Go SEE! You'll TOTALLY Agree!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Upcoming Boutique Items For YOU!

Here's a little "sneak-peek" of our upcoming show this weekend! We are so excited to see you and for you to see all of the goodies our vendors have to share!
September 8th
1523 North Old Shepard Road
Farmington, Utah

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Something To Do Saturday.....Organization Solutions!

Something to do Saturdays is a weekly project link-share.
 All crafters are welcome based on the weekly theme.

This weeks' theme:

Link-Up Guidelines
 1. First rule of the  weekly link-up is to have fun and play nice!!!
We'll have a theme for the posts weekly.
{Mentioned the Wednesday prior}
Its a great way to show case your talent  or project to new people. We'd LOVE our next weeks' featured blogger to be you!
2. You may link up as many time as you like each week with either your latest creations or an older post that you would really like to share again.
3.  Please remember though, all submissions MUST be your own work and we'd love to see tutorials.
4. Please link back to your actual post and not just your blog
{so our readers can find you when we feature you}.
We'd love for you to mention your submission on your Facebook page- mentioning MindyMaesMarket!
We'll be paying our featured submissions via Paypal or Store Credit!
Thank you for hanging with us!