
Friday, July 13, 2012

Mindy Mae's...always changing for YOU!

Once upon a time...two girls started a little business. They start with selling off bulk from crafts they wanted to do and had a desire to showcase other crafty friends works and art- well, we were too small to bring our friends the recognition they deserved. They didn't want to do it.

Well, we are hoping we've grown up a little - at least enough to bring our friends back and have you enjoy their amazing talents and abilities. We'd REALLY appreciate you helping us KEEP our friends by proving to them we have the most outstanding followers!

And- we'll be amping up our other areas, too! If you haven't joined us on Facebook, you really should consider it, most of our info, deals and new concepts are featured there first!


  1. These are so stinkin adorable!!!

  2. Love your market!!! Cute items!

  3. I LOVE these! Thanks for bringing such great deals!

  4. Good morning! I'm popping in from Tatertots and Jello. I just love the stuff you guys have! It's so very cute, so very me and so very affordable. Thanks!

  5. I love this frame, it is so cute! I am so obsessed with chevrons right now! I saw this on Tatertots and Jello!

  6. I'm coming over from TT&J. I love the Chevron frame. I also love the owl necklace TT&J has posted on its page. I have been looking everywhere for one of those!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hi...found you via TT&J. I love the great deals you have @ the market and can't wait to receive my first order. Good prices & reasonable delivery fees. Barb


Thanks for participating, we welcome your sugar but you can keep the spice! ;)