
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Create Your Own Chalkboard!

I love this stuff!
Can you tell we love chalkboards?  We love them so much. So much.
And what is better than a chalkboard? Oh perhaps...your favorite colored chalkboard! {yay!}

It's pretty simple...
1 cup of your Favorite Paint Color
2 Tablespoons Unsanded Grout

Now you can drive yourself to Home Depot or Lowe's and buy a bag of grout,
but remember you only need 2 Tablespoons...what are you going to do with the rest?
I guess you could store it.......forever! :)
and buy just enough for 1/2 gallon of paint! {aka PERFECT!}

Ideas for your Inspiration:

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And there you have NEED some!
12 pieces of colored chalk & enough grout for 1/2 gallon of paint!

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